
Mapping to support exploration of
new or familiar places

Wayfinding is about knowing where you are, how to get where you want to go, how to recognise when you’re there, and sometimes how to find your way out of a place.

Kingsbridge Town
Working with Steer and Trueform

This wayfinding system is inspired by Cookworthy’s Kingsbridge. From the earthy colour palette with cobalt highlights to typography reminiscent of the potters’ marks. It encourages you to explore just as Cookworthy once did.

Working alongside Trueform (manufacturers) and Steer (designers), I created this open-source mapping to reflect the peacefulness of the South Devon coastal resort. Capturing the bright blue skies and sea and inviting visitors and passers-by to explore more of the town and surrounding countryside.

Three heads-up totems were installed to support foot traffic through the town, from the quayside market square, up through the climbing high street to the Cookworthy Museum housing the inspirational porcelain and local heritage resources.

Unique textures and symbology such as crabbing locations, kayaking and boat launches, Gardens in Bloom, as well as innovative features like the defibrillator locations were added to the map to give this design its own identity. It was developed to not only interest the increased numbers of visitors to the area to its eclectic selection of shopping and rural activities, but to inform locals of important information and encourage use of its local amenities.